How To Survive Long Ass Meetings

On Tuesday, I was in a meeting from 8:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. Although these meetings were necessary and very productive it still was hard. As a STEM Professional we live in meetings and emails it’s just our way of life.  This had me thinking,  what are my survival tips for being in a long ass meetings. Ask yourself these three questions before going into any meeting:pexels-photo-416405

  1.        What is my role in this meeting? You need to understand what level of participation will be required of you.

Observer: In this role listening and evaluating is your primary purpose and your opinion is not necessarily required but learning and obserering is. Be sure to give your feedback to management after the meeting. This demonstrates that you paid attention, understood the conversation, and then was able to make it relevant to what you do.     

Presenter:  In this role, you are actually going to be presenting and sharing information or knowledge with an audience.  Be engaged the whole meeting so that you can incorporate any relevant information you hear to your presentation.

Evaluator:  In this role, you need to bring all your meeting skills into play.  You need to be able to quickly question the information you hear, add value to information being presented, and show  you completely understand what is being presented.  The ability to remember facts, statistics, and other pertinent information is critical to be successful in this meeting. You should prepare for this meeting by knowing what is on the agenda and what is important in this meeting.  Often times your leadership will ask you to weigh in or even co-sign on the information that you are hearing. This is a great way showcase your expertise. Be careful more than likely when you  leave it will be with action items which will lead to follow-up meetings.

  1. What is going to be your fuel strategy?

Please make sure you have a strategy not to get “hangry” (hunger that causes anger) in the meeting. I know myself well enough to know that I’m less effective if I’m hungry or have low blood sugar, so I make sure that I have a snack and something to drink with me.  You need energy! Long meetings are the marathons of Corporate lifestyle. Drinking plenty of fluids is also smart. You stay alert, and (bonus) the bathroom trips those drinks will necessitate will give you an excuse to get out of your chair.pexels-photo-272887.jpeg

  1.  Are you focused?

I think an 18-hour online bridge meeting is my record for a continuous meeting where I actually had to be engaged.   To keep things straight, you may want to consider bringing an old-fashioned paper notebook with you to meetings along with your laptop. The simple act of distilling and writing key pieces of information helps me remember. Depending on your role in a meeting  you should limit multitasking and focus on being present.   Try to interact–a lot. Asking questions and really engaging with not only those presenting but those in attendance helps you remember as well. A good rule of thumb: If you’re able to do something else during a meeting, you shouldn’t be there. (But sometimes your boss just wants you there anyway lol)

Long as meetings will always be a necessary evil in Corporate life, so be sure to have a plan going in.


The Corporate Hustler


Be sure to check out my Podcast!


Ep 4: The Corporate Hustle Interview Dr. Sharon Porter

In episode 4 of The Corporate Hustle Podcast, I interview the awesome Dr. Sharon Porter. She is an educator and an entrepreneur and is living out The Corporate Hustle lifestyle. SHe shares with us how she got started her side hustle, how she links it to her profession, and more.

Enjoy Episode 4

For more information, on my guest, Dr. Sharon H. Porter visit

Don’t forget to Stash with me, its how Corporate Hustlers’ make money in their sleep.

Ep 3: Many Ways To Hustle

Hi Corporate Hustlers

I found myself pondering the many ways we can lose and win at business while at Craps table.  At the end of the day, you have to be in the game to even have a chance.  In this episode, I  rant about multiple streams of income.  Thanks for supporting episode 3 of The Corporate Hustle Podcast.  This podcast is for professional women who want to excel in their 9 to 5’s while creating multiple streams of income so they are getting paid 24/7. for information on Corporate Hustle University opening Jan 2018!


Ep 2: Boss Cultivator Janna B

In this episode of the Corporate Hustler Podcast, I interview the Boss Cultivator Janna B.  She is an awesome speaker and inspiration, and an anointed business voice you will instantly connect with.  I first met Janna B when she spoke at my annual women’s event ” I Am Enough Brunch” and she absolutely lit the room up.  I am so excited she back and better than ever.  Check out everything she is doing over at and be sure to listen to our awesome interview, I enjoyed and I am sure you will as well!

Ep 1: The Corporate Hustle Mindset

This is episode one of the Corporate Hustle podcast hosted by Demishia Wright. This podcast is designed to help women excel from 9 to 5, build multiple streams of income, side hustles, and empires from 5 to 9 and then invest so we make money in our sleep. to learn more about your host.


5 Apps Every Corporate Hustler Needs

I realized
that the phone in my hand was a powerful tool in making my dreams Hand holding smartphone with colorful app icons a reality.  You can use it to share your message, make connections, and take over the world.  Here are some great apps to add to that tool that will help you with your Corporate Hustle.  It is important to stay organized, set goals, and network to take your side hustles to the next level.

1. Evernote

Evernote is a web and mobile app that is basically a digital notebook. Using this app you can manage your expenses, your calendar, slideshow presentations, or even planning your next trip. One of the best features of Evernote is its indexing capabilities. Once you add things to your notebook, they’re completely searchable and can be accessed on your desktop, the Web, or your mobile device. It is a very diverse and powerful ally in keeping up with your thoughts.  No excuse not to execute.   f9d9e81c1e62caa236eb667dcbfa7ef3


2. Google Drive

I don’t know what I would do without my Google drive.  Wherever I go,  my documents and information are with me.  If you collaborate with clients, associates, or other experts in your industry with documents, Google Drive is essential to helping you stay productive and organized.   Did I mention that Google Drive is free and it’s accessible to anyone who has a Google login.

3.  Buffer

Have you ever wondered when you should be posting?  Have no fear, Buffer is here.  Buffer is a powerful social media-publishing tool for your social media platforms.  It streamlines your content calendar process by making it easy to schedule content on social media. It also helps to increase your reach with your target audience. This app is easy to use, and you can share content across multiple social networks and ensure that it’s posted at the optimal time so more followers will see your updates.

514399-buffer-for-business-influencers4.  Square

Anyone who knows me well can tell you I always have the ability to take your money in any form. Square is a credit-card processing app for any size business and is easy to use anywhere. Square allows you to accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.  Once you sign up, they will send you a free magstripe reader (their newest reader even take chip cards).   If you want to be professional and stay ready for the sale, then make sure you have the Square.  

5.  Trello

When I was first introduced to this app, I was like another organization app, ughhh.  Then I realized Trello was pretty cool.  This is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards, lists, and cards so you can better prioritize what you are working on. In one concise single view, you can see who and what is being worked on. Corporate Hustlers we know that project management can be the worst, but Trello makes it productive, easy, and enjoyable.


Here is a bonus app, because caring is sharing.

6.  HelloSign

HelloSign is the easiest and simplest way to handle contracts or other agreements on the fly, because it lets you view and sign without visiting the office. This app also eliminates the burden of needing to print, sign, and scan a document to be sent back. It allows you to just use your fingertip to sign any PDF file and forward it to the necessary party.


Until next time Corporate Hustler’s, remember to excel from 9 to 5, build empires from 5 to 9 and make money 24/7.  I will see you at the top because the bottom is crowded.  Be sure to pick up my book Renegotiate Your Greatness here!

Demishia The Corporate Hustler Schedule a Chit Chat With Me!

Online Networking 101

Online Networking 101

There is a definition of networking that has stuck with me written by Ivan Misner: Networking is “The process of developing and activating your relationships to increase your business, enhance your knowledge, expand your sphere of influence or serve the community.”

In order to begin building relationships online, here are some strategies to make sure you are on point during the process.

Online Networking

  1. Post engaging content by sharing information about your brand/company, your industry, or any “proof of your worth” and update your page regularly.  People love consistency, but please be careful not to be too self-serving or come off as spam.
  2. Give strategic recommendations on LinkedIn in order to get them.  The LinkedIn recommendations can be from clients, peers, or other influencers.
  3. Your engagement will soar, when you truly engage and join LinkedIn Groups.  Participate and bring value to your LinkedIn Groups. LinkedIn Groups are a great way to connect with those who need your services or who have services that can enhance your company or product.
  4. Twitter can seem like mindless 120 characters or a place where people complain when they have bad service.  That’s true, but it can also give you another opportunity to meet and greet online.   Research the proper hashtags and tap into your industry.   It is great to see a “shout out” tweet about your business and followers will want to know more about this #nextgreatthing or #onpoint service that just popped up on their device.
  5.  Blogging can be a great tool when used appropriately. What makes your blog interesting is sharing what you know and sharing helpful or humorous content


Get out there and start networking!
Speaker, Author, Certified Hustler & LinkedIn G
Get my free download on why you need a LinkedIn Strategy!

Disney’s into Twitter

The Walt Disney Company is reportedly eyeing a deal to buy social media platform Twitter.

According to Bloomberg, the Mouse House sees Twitter as a key video distribution platform, and as such has hired the Bank of America to evaluate a deal.

Twitter operates is  social media presence includes an average of 313 million monthly users. It currently has $20 billion in capitalization power and with this news of Disney the shares are rising.

Why would Disney be interested .   Twitter is frequently used as a video distribution platform.  This would give  Disney a new way of getting short-form video from ABC,ESPN and  Disney Channel networks out to younger adult audiences.

Rumors that Dorsey and the Twitter management team are looking at selling have been swirling on Wall Street for some time. Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey is the board of Disney, meaning the two companies already have top-level lines of communication open.

Let’s all wait and see if the Mouse catches the tweet.

Demishia , See You At the Top The bottom Is Crowded!

Queen Bey Business Princpals

Its Virgo season and although I am an Aries, I decided to study one of my favorite celebrity Virgos, and the business habits she exhibits. Beyoncé Knowles is known for her awesome music, style, and famous relationships, but there is so much more. She is the ultimate businesswoman and her business principals should be considered as we build our own empires! In celebration of her birthday, here are some business principles we can take from Queen Bey.

 Know what you want and go after it. It does not matter if you are starting a business or career; you have to know what you are chasing in life.  At a young age Beyoncé was confident in her talents and abilities so much so, that her parents invested in them. You must have a clear vision so that people know how to support you, recommend you, and connect you to the right people. Trust in your abilities the way Queen Bey does and you will begin to see opportunities open up before your very eyes.

Don’t do what is expected create anticipation. In business never tell someone your next move.   Move in silence, and let your actions speak. Beyoncé broke the record industry mold in how you market and drop albums, and now we all wait in anticipation for what she will do next. Creating anticipation within your fan base and clients, will keep them emotionally invested in what you are doing and lead to high rates of engagement for your projects.

 Trust your Gut, you know that little voice in you. Beyoncé knew as her career grew that things must change. She constantly has to re-create herself as an artist, but also in the business moves she makes. She trusted her instincts and let her long-term manager, her father, go. What gets you to one place will not necessarily get you to next place.  People believe that most business decisions are made strictly by what the numbers say, but you must always listen to your inner self. This becomes critical when determining if certain business relationships are healthy for you. In business, it’s tough to say ‘no’ sometimes or make a difficult decision, but you have to trust your instincts.

Women Empower Women – You are your sister’s keeper in life and in business. Beyoncé is the queen of making female anthems. We need to practice what we hear. Who runs the world… collaborate, support, and recommend them. Beyoncé stresses how important it is that women work together and look out for one another.  In your endeavors be sure to have your sisters back!

Being Polite and Business Do Not Mix – Women often times are overly polite in business because they do not want to come across as angry or overly aggressive. Queen Bey tells us “You can be fair, but being polite was not me being fair to myself,” Make sure you are being fair to yourself when you are dealing with people.   No one will treat you better than you treat yourself in business. If you want to get anywhere in your business or career, you have to know when to be polite, and when to be fair to yourself.

Collaborate to expose yourself. If you utilize cross promotion the way Queen Bey does, you will expose your personal brand and/or products to a larger market share. Collaboration is a critical component in your business strategy and Queen Bey knows this. If you are in business of any kind, you should be strategically cross collaborating with other brands. You have seen Beyoncé perform and create awesome music with artist such as Coldplay, Shakira, Prince, Drake, Bruno Mars, and countless others, all helping her to expose herself to new markets that she might not have been exposed to alone. Collaborative opportunities provide scalability, disruption, and connectivity on a higher level.

Always Be Humble and Authentic.  As you begin to hit your career and business goals in life, remember to stay true to whom you are and what you believe in.  In life, business opportunities, endorsements, and various ways to make money may test what you believe in. You will be tempted to do what is popular, and maybe stray away form your brand message and what you believe. When these times come, and they will, remember what Beyoncé has told us, “Always stay grateful, best revenge is your paper”! Stay true to yourself.

Happy Birthday Beyoncé! These are my takeaways from evaluating Beyoncé and her business principals. What is you opinion on how she has become a mogul money making machine? Feel free to share!


Demishia Wright, The Corporate Entrepreneur

See You At The Top, The Bottom Is Crowded.




King of Pop Business Moves

August 29, 1958 was the day Michael Jackson the King of Pop was born.  He would have been 58 years old today.   Let’s take a moment on this day to reflect on some of the great business principles that MJ left us.

  1. Leave a legacy – The King of Pop is currently the highest earning deceased artist. Move over Elvis and John Lennon, because Michael Jackson left a legacy that will be profitable forever. The Guinness Book Of World Records added a new category for Highest-Earning Deceased Artist and he gained the top honor. In the first year after his passing in 2009, Jackson’s estate reportedly brought in $1 billion in revenue. Michael Jackson owns the distinction of having the biggest recording contract of all time.  Nine months after his passing, the estate of Michael Jackson signed a deal with Sony Records that give the company access to a vast vault of unreleased recordings for 250 million dollars.
  2. Be the Best of the Best-  Competition was no problem for Michael Jackson, he constantly reinvented himself and let his creativity keep him an expert in his industry.  If you need proof of this, Michael Jackson is the most awarded artist of all time.  The King of Pop has 23 Guinness World Records, 40 Billboard Music Awards, 13 Grammy Awards, and 26 American Music Awards, and tons of other awards to his credit.  Michael Jackson has won more awards than any other musical artist.  The King of Pop has also received congressional honors for his humanitarian outreach efforts.
  3. Invest In Property – We all know that buying property is the way to grow wealth.  The Gloved One knew this as well; buying the Neverland Ranch for $20 million in 1987 was an excellent real estate move. The property is now said to be worth almost $90 million.   Don’t sink $35 million into improvements or wants into property like Jackson did and you will be fine.
  4. Your Circle should be Smarter than You-   One of Jackson’s best business habits was to keep sharp and insightful advisers around him. John Branca, who negotiated many lucrative deals for Jackson was instrumental in his wealth. He has done a remarkable job with the singer’s estate thus far. It was Branca who scored the industry-leading royalty rate for Thriller that Michael Jackson enjoyed at the time (nearly $2 per album sold), allowing him to reap untold profits from what turned out to be the best-selling album of all time.
  5. Make Strategic Business Moves – In 1985, he paid $47.5 million to buy a publishing catalog that included 250 Beatles songs. Ten years later Sony paid Jackson $90 million for half the rights, forming a joint venture called Sony/ATV.  This move in 1985 has provided huge dividends.  The Jackson estate and Sony share ownership of the catalog, which now boasts half a million songs including titles by Bob Dylan, Elvis Presley, Eminem and other artists. Industry insiders and experts have this catalog valued near $1.5 billion, based on estimated proceeds of $50 million to $100 million per year.   Let’s do the math, which means an estimated mark up of a 3,000% increase in value from the catalog’s initial purchase price.

These were just some of the few business moves that Jackson made. On this day don’t just reflect on his musical greatness but his business acumen as well!

Until next time, See You at the top because the Bottom Is Crowded
